Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sunday funday....naaaaaa
had plans to read all the chapters from some book for the presentation, but procrastination set in...been surfing since morning...although I used my time for searching some good interactive video demos for my presentation....does not give me satisfaction....need something really really fascinating to show the audience...any clue???

Am going for lunch with a frnd of mine who came from Ahmedabad....she called me up yesterday and we decided to meet today...her call was a real pleasant surprise ...not sure where we will meet....plan to go to some good restaurant in bangalore....we are meeting after 4 years.....and I am quite excited about meeting her...

but need to get back to business after that...need to clean my cupboard...then back to studies......I prepared a project plan for my demo...wanna stick to it.... (usually I cannot...but why not give it a try..)

btw...saw this movie "Indiana jones--The raiders of the lost ark".....old movie....but ok types....had a good timepass...

am supposed to purchase tickets for ahmedabad is gonna cost me 10k this time....very for dilwali (sorry diwali...hahaha)is always in to make a schedule of my stay in Ahmedabad...usually it happens that I go to Ahmedabad and am not able to finish most of the tasks...this time...have to make sure that our old business books are closed for good and we start our accounts in the new firm well...this will include making sure to close the old sales tax number...and old bank accounts...out standing payments is the most nagging issue...lets c....

me running for a hot shower....c u soon...!!!