Sunday, November 12, 2006

totally lost

I was very attentively listening to David at the Global DevCon which my company had organised.....truly inspiring if he simply put a hot iron rod in our cold blood.....he made us realize that the amount of your success is direclty proportional to the itensity of fire in ur belly....."If u have a dream....understand it properly as to what u want....and just do it......JUST DO IT !!"
All of a sudden he asked the audience to share each others dream to the person nearby....I just candidly looked at my neighbour....and asked him to confirm whether he (David) really meant it..he said "yes...he wants us to share our dreams".....I found this idea fascinating.....I spontaneously asked him...."could I know it from you first"....I saw an expression of lethargy and inability on his face...he said "you c...u need time to think on it...its not that easy"....sensing his uncomfort I introduced myself "I m ......" he also replied.... "I m Frank from France" ...his neighbour was listening to our conversation.....we both also introduced ourselves....then me and Frank started candid chat about our projects....and it was evident to both of us that neither of us was listening to each other...out of disinterest...probably bcos we both didnt get each others name properly..
I asked his name again....he said "Frank " ...he looked at the nameplate on my chest....and there was an immediate *sparkle* in his eyees....he had a big smile on his face....he told me that we both had worked together for XSpace long time back.....I moved around a bit to look at his name...and we were instant friends.....we started chatting about the project...this time....we were talking as if we knew each other since ages.....we talked about XSpace...and then I told on a serious note about dreams in my professional life....he was quite appreciative of it and he shared a part of his too..... what is so surprising here is that we had bonded with each other so well during our project...and suddenly I moved our to other project..but still that bond remains....the *sparkle* in his eyes reminds me of those days when after a long summer vacation in school days....I used to meet my friends back in school.....
David's lecture had a drastic effect on me...I m totally lost....yes......I know my goals in professional and personal domain but I realized that I have been hanging to my past failures in professional and personal life....the idea is to keep moving....."a rolling stone gathers no moss" ....I m lost bcos.....I have been trying to gather sympathy from people around me for what ever circumstances in my life ....I realized that thats not the right way...If I have to achieve my dream....its me alone....nature tests ur mettle when u r all alone.....throws a mountain infront of u and asks u to climb or perish !! u r all is among this troubles of life that one should find his own happiness....thats the is beautiful and one should enjoy every moment of matter what state u r in
I am reading Alchemist again.....I read it every time I feel helps me realign myself to my dreams....the message is clear "whenever u have a dream to achieve something so intensely...the whole Universe conspires to help you achieve it"
I was browsing thru a frnd's blog and got this fantastic video...Apple CEO Steve Jobs, at a convocation ceremony..must watch --> "stay Hungry....stay Foolish"

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