Thursday, April 03, 2008

TiECon 2008

Alrite... Its been long long time I wrote blog in public domain. I have a reason to start writing today. And I have decided I will write blog every day till atleast TiECon 2008.

Now what is TiECon ??

Let me tell you what is TiE first. A whole lot of what TiE does can be summarized in this Gujarati statement by Raj Jaswa "આપ્યુ તે રહ્યુ , રહ્યુ તે ગયુ" . Pronounced as "aapyu te rahyu, rahyu te gayu", translated in English as "What you give, you keep and what you keep, you lose" . Which means the philosophy of TiE is to give and share freely and help people network because it is by this giving only that you gain more. Ofcourse TiE is much more than that. Raj Jaswa voluntarily serves as President of TiE, and he has been serving since 4 years now.

What is TiE?
Ans:- TiE stands for "The Indus Entrepreneurs" . TiE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1992 by successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives and senior professionals with roots in Indus region.

What does TiE do?
Ans:- TiE helps enthusiastic and prospective entrepreneurs gear up to what they feel they can achieve or even much more than that. TiE helps start new companies through a range of different activities that help a person build a successful startup. Apart from that being associated with TiE has many added benefits like meeting like-minded people, understanding industry trends, meeting people who actually want to do something in life and much more. In this process many people even get a good jump in their professional careers and some even have their personal life filled up with positive vibes.

How does TiE achieve its goal of helping people being real Entrepreneurs?
Ans:- TiE members and volnteers are themselves successful entrepreneurs and senior corporate executives with a zeal to help people realize their dream of becoming entrepreneurs. The culture of TiE is to freely share, network and help fellow members and volunteers. TiE organizes formal mentoring sessions, lectures from industry stalwarts, CEO of companies, and people who have actually made marks in their own fields inspite of starting from humble beginnings. The clout of TiE can be measured to the extent that Global Management Guru Dr.C.K.Prahlad considers it as a matter of pride to be associated with TiE (mms://

Alrite, now what is TiECon?
Ans:- TiECon is once in a year big event organized by TiE. Remember, whatever TiE does is with a mission to foster conscious entrepreneurship globally by Educating, Mentoring and Networking . TiECon is a full two day event where

  • prospective entrepreneurs get to meet top VCs of industry, present them their business plan and build further relation with them

  • many entrepreneurs and top executives of different companies give lecture on what exactly it means being an entrepreneur

  • people get to network with others in the industry.

  • The two day TiE event leads to incubation of as many as 200 companies which in itself is testimony to what TiE actually can do.

TiECon is an event for which people wait every year to present their business plan, connect with different people and over and above all live a lively culture which you cannot find anywhere beneath the sun.

When is TiE2008 being organized?
Ans:- TiE2008 is being organized on May 16th and 17th at the Santa Clara Convention Center. More information on

Why I started blogging after long time?
Ans:- I have been waiting for an opportune time to write a blog. Last I wrote was when I left bangalore for good. I am writing this blog tonight after having attended TiE event in silicon valley. I was introduced to TiE by my friend Gaurav who himself is a successful entrepreneur and TiE member. I am convinced that for anybody who has a dream to be an entrepreneur, there cannot be any platform better than TiE. Join TiE now . Visit

Ok, after all this serious talks, is there something to have fun?
Ans:- Attending TiE events in not boring and serious at all. It all fun. That is the remarkable quality TiE inculcates among entrepreneurs and that is to have a culture where you can have fun. There is always fun in realizing your own DREAMZ ...isnt it. To start with, visit TiECon YouTube contest section in

Ok, I still need more information?
Ans:- Send me an email at with your question. I will try to answer it or help you get in touch with somebody in TiE.

Do you (author of this blog) work for TiE?
Ans:- No. I am a TiE volunteer. And over and above all, I believe in TiE

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