Sunday, April 27, 2008


Now this is amazing !!
I am watching this movie National Treasure Book of secrets and as the streaming video stopped, I happened to visit my friend Sandeep Baldawa's orkut profile where he has uploaded this excellent video. This little kid speaks more than 5 international languages to sell peacock feathers in Mumbai, India. Really industrious kid, something rare for a person of his age. He surely is a big man into making.

People are not born with greatness. Being great, standing out, leading a revolution, changing society for good, such qualities can be cultivated and most of it is formed as part of growing up. All great people showed these traits during their life time.

Abraham Lincoln, born 12th Feb, 1809, who did not give up in spite of failing in business at 21, being defeated in legislative race at 22, failing again in business at 24, overcoming the death of his sweetheart at 26, surviving a nervous breakdown at 27, losing congressional race at 34, losing a senatorial race at 45, failing to become vice president at 47 and again losing senatorial race again at 49. He is the greatest President of the United States of America. Abraham Lincoln never gave up.

Sir Richard Branson, born 18th July, 1950, had dyslexia which resulted in his poor academic performance as a student. Inspite of that he started businees of growing Christmas trees and raising budgerigars at age of 15, which unfortunately failed. Then he moved to London and began his first successful business venture and published a magazine Student. Today the world knows Sir Richard Branson by the brand name Virgin which has over 360 companies from Airlines to drinks to lingerie. A self made person, Sir Richard Branson expanded his business by his flamboyant style and unique brand image. To top it all, Virgin launched Virgin Galactic, a company providing space travel to people and it has already started taking reservations for galactic tour on its Space Ship two. Sir Richard Branson believes in being unique.
P.S.:- Selling peacock feathers is illegal and the author of this blog does not support it

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